
Clear mind.

better performance.

bigger results.

Performance coaching For Individuals & Groups.

The Deep Drivers of high performance & success

Every person has many natural deep drivers that lead to infinitely better performance and successful results.

Here are 3 of those deep drivers: 



Your innate clarity allows you to be fully engaged, clear-headed and at the maximum of your abilities. 



Your natural ability to stay present keeps you aligned with reality, sharp, insightful, and quick to learn.



Understanding your True-self puts a stop to the limitations and confusions of an identity and brings true trust and confidence in your self and desires. 

The Most common obstacles stopping you from thriving

Which one sounds familiar?

  • Excessive busyness blocking your capacity for innovation and creativity.
  • Always looking for the next strategy or formula for success instead of following your own path and intuition. 
  • Trying and pushing too hard all the time, leading to burnout and loss of passion.
  • Poor communication making your team work as separate minds rather than a unified mind.

Transform your performance and grow your business with consistency.

I've Served entrepreneurs and professionals from:


Hello, I'm Abdul Rahman

Founder of the Human Dimension company

The path of success can be challenging, but it can also be a path to fulfill your true potential and live your legacy. Doing the inner work can transform your experience of this journey from struggle and frustration to enjoyment and fulfillment. Entrepreneurship is a path for you to live your purpose and impact the world. And I want to help!

I’ve tried most of the outer work, like learning techniques, implementing strategies, and searching for a secret formula to success. I was fearful and frustrated to the extent that the journey didn't feel enjoyable anymore.

Only when I went through my own transformation did life become joyful and business began to effortlessly thrive. You can have that too!

self mastery

Joyful Living

Effortless Success

What Clients Say

“ (1)

Working with Abdul has literally transformed my life. The insights we had, have helped me understand how to approach life, thoughts, relationships and business from a place of wisdom. The outcome was beyond expectations

dalal aboghudda

Fitness Coach

“ (1)

If I were to describe what it's like working with Abdul Rahman in one word, it would be 'deconstruction'. Deconstruction of old ways of doing things. It's actually not so much doing as much as it's a new way of being.

Altaf Al Mudhayan

Co Founder of Thuna

“ (1)

He never asked me to put more effort to feel better. This is important because sometimes I don't have anymore to give, yet I still feel stressed. This approach is easier to accept because it validates the core of who you are.

Abdulwahab Al Kandari

Serial Entrepreneur


For Individuals

Entrepreneurs / Athletes / Experts


For Groups

Sports Teams / Business Teams